
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Good news!

Hi everyone,

Dr. Gilbert was pleased with Brent's MRI results. The chemo is doing what it is supposed to be doing! Brent & Missy will be traveling to Houston every 2 months for MRIs so they will be back in October. Brent will continue with his monthly chemo. He'll start againt this Sunday.

Brent & Mis were able to meet up with Hugh and Anna for dinner on Tuesday night. In Missy's words, "it was nice to be able to do something social when we are there for a change". I'm sure it helped take their minds off waiting for the results.

Thank you for your prayers. They are working!!!



  1. Well a good report card for Brent doesn't surprise me the way Brent was moving around the infield Saturday fielding grounders, making throws, finding flaws in the boys technique, all at about 90 degrees.


  2. So glad to hear that!

